Crafting Majick

Crafting Majick

Artistic creativity at its finest.

The Longest Winter and the coming of the Green Man!

I knew this winter was going to be long and this year it seems to me that the world finally stood still around the December...
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Fundraising Event at Morton Manor Wigton Road Carlisle 

Body Mind and Spirit Day  Saturday 9th September, 10-4pm  It's been quite a few years since I attended a Mind Body Spirit event and I...
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Air & Water new painting by Jade Melany

A2 Print available instore Whilst browsing through photos on instagram I happened across the painting by Howard Pyle of the Mermaid, which was the last...
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The opening of the Doorway of Pan

We are into the second round of biting cold in the Uk. I’m not a fan of winter, as any of my friends will tell...
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Embracing the Tiger

Embracing the Tiger by Jade Melany Greetings and Salutations beautiful people. Life...
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Justice Pathworking from the Initiate’s Way

Justice Tarot Major Arcana by Jade M
Justice – Initiates Way Tarot Major

We have now reached the Justice Pathworking in this series of the Initiate’s Way workshops online.

“This is a transitional phase where you are neither within or without and you have the choice whether or not, to willingly submit yourself fully to the process of karmic cleansing which began in the last image of the Wheel of Fortune.

The idea of the soul going into a hall of judgement is presented here, whereby your actions, deeds and intentions can be weighed against the heart. This is not necessarily the judgement that one might expect at death when you review the whole of your life, but a cyclical review, which relates directly to the time of year associated with this image, that of October and the beginning of autumn in the northern hemisphere.

Samhain – Summers end

Let us briefly consider the concept of the Pagan new year at Samhain, as it is the “summers end” and time for the seasons to change.

Symbolic and seasonal death is upon us as the leaves fall from the trees and you begin the descent into the darkness of winter.

Your internal link with nature means that at this time of year, as the nights are closing in, subconsciously the waning sunshine hints to your waking self that the time is ripe for heading into retreat and repose. You should be allowing yourself the space to take stock of where you are. Getting rid of the physical things you don’t need anymore by giving them away to those who do. This is the time for ridding yourself of any beliefs that don’t fit because you have grown. Setting out goals for the next year ahead and most importantly, taking the time out to remember your ancestors and the life that they gave you.”

This is an excerpt from the Initiate’s Way book which is available from Mandrake of Oxford.

©Jade Melany 2020

This may not be copied, stored or otherwise reproduced without previous consent of the Author.

Initiates Way Tarot by Jade Melany
Learn more: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B07ZZ88GL6/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_IvbIFb0A391BP