Crafting Majick

Jade Melany Artist Biog

Welcome to the Esoteric Art website!

Let me start by telling you a little about what I do.

I am an artist, songwriter, author and natural psychic and I have 25 Years + experience working with tarot, meditation, spiritual and self development.

I graduated as a mature student with a BA Hons Degree in Media production in 2006, which has been instrumental in assisting me with promotion of the work that I do, and the products that I can offer. Way back in 2003/4 after taking Usui Reiki training to Master Teacher with Jo Jones in Rhyll, My creativity exploded and I have never looked back.

Painting and Music have been my lifelong passions. There have been many bands and a lot of solo performing along the way. In 2013 I created my first Tarot Deck the Soulscapes Tarot after years of creating Soulscapes Paintings.

Then in 2017 I finished the paintings that would become the Initiate’s Way Tarot. 78 Oil paintings, which I had printed locally as a hand cut tarot deck. My first book the Initiate’s Way was published with Mandrake of Oxford in 2020.

The 22 Pathworkings in the Initiate’s Way book have been tried and tested by myself and the small working magical groups that I run. The journey was an internal one, given to me by Spirit, so that anyone seeking innate wisdom and initiation into the mysteries has a path, with signposts, that they can follow.

During lockdown I spent a lot of time in meditation and connecting with the ancestors of the land. This led me into journeying and a profoundly deep connection with my ancestors and spirit guides. Early 2021 I was inspired to begin creating altar statues of Gods and Goddesses using river water, and air dry clay. The creative process and some of these can be found in online journal.

I will be creating some new online spiritual development workshops and courses and holding small drumming and healing circles. If you would like to learn more about the initiate’s way, drumming and healing circles you can contact jade at jade@esoteric-art.co.uk

You are welcome to join the initiates way group on facbook to learn more and participate in the pathworkings in the group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/initiatesway

There is a new site designated to the Initiate’s Way in creation at the moment so if you want to know more about this then please sign up for the newsletter and you will be the first to hear of any developments.


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