Body Mind and Spirit Day
Saturday 9th September, 10-4pm
It’s been quite a few years since I attended a Mind Body Spirit event and I am really looking forward to this one for many reasons. When I was up at Castlerigg this year doing a drumming Ceremony in March Iris was there with her drum, despite the awful weather. We had a beautiful ceremony to celebrate the Equinox. She has also been petitioning for a Labyrinth to be installed in the park for a couple of years and this is looking to become a reality very soon.
I will be in attendance with copies of the Initiates Way book and Tarot Cards, and a few pieces of art from the Crafting Majick collection for anyone who wants to have a peruse through them.
There will be lots of fantastic stalls and talks happening during the day.
Robert Chance Lounge:
10.30 How Crystals can help in your daily life – Robert Burlinson
11.15 Angel Mediumship Demonstration – Edwin Courtney
12.30 Do you Believe in Angels? – Pauline Richards
2.00 Aura Reading Demonstration – Edwin
Training Suite:
11.00 Womb Wellness Ritual & Workshop – Simone Walters
12.00 Eat for Mental Health – Jackie Wilkinson
1.00 Introduction to Relaxation and Meditation – Judith Lord
2.00 Crystal Healing Meditation – Crystal Wytch
Come along and spend the day at the Centre for £5 (accompanied Children Free)
Light refreshments will be available at the Manor Café
More information email chancesparkfriends@gmail.com
Or ring Iris on 01228 522903

Contact Jade Melany info@esoteric-art.co.uk