The opening of the Doorway of Pan

The opening of the Doorway of Pan

We are into the second round of biting cold in the Uk. I’m not a fan of winter, as any of my friends will tell you. This year has been no different. Yes it really does have its own beauty, but my reptilian nature and sun worshipping inner goddess needs sunshine and warmth.

There has been many an evening of creativity by the fire and at the piano so I can’t complain. Lots of ideas are swirling around in the cauldron at the moment.

I created a base for a lamp around the winter solstice that is bifaced, looking both ways, at the opening of the calendar of 2023 and the closing out of 2022. The Pathfinding Pan has been instrumental in shining light on the future pathways to tread. I was invited to speak at the Magical Egypt Women of Wisdom conference on Saturday 21st january. I was talking about Pan and offered the pathworking of Pan from the Initiates way to a new audience, without having to leave the safety of my sanctuary. I am eternally grateful to Vanese and the crew for inviting me and making feel very welcome.

Pan Oil Lamp

Technology really is a double edged sword though, and one that I have battled with for quite some time. It has become such an integrated part of our lives, yet we really are in danger of falling into an abyss of no return with the advent of VR and Gaming to fill a void, as people get further and further away from their authentic selves. Time that should be spent soul seeking and discovering our true selves is frittered away in pursuit of these weapons of mass distraction. If I sound like I am old fashioned in my way of thinking where gaming is concerned. it is because I am extremely old fashioned in my values and how I spend my time. I clearly see what the whole industry does to the imagination and its wake of destruction of the will to create. It’s a very strange precipice I find myself standing on right now. I can see positives in the technology that we have right now, but mostly I see a generation being sucked further and further into a space that is not only unreal, but all consuming. This is a terrifying thought to me.

Trying to maintain some kind of balance between screen and activities that involve time away from any kind of technology in our house is an ongoing war. Believe me.

Over the holiday period, specifically on the 25th December, I went up to Castlerigg to perform a drumming ceremony which has now become a yearly event for me. Afterwards I locked myself away with my paints and worked on my latest offering of the Grail Castle. Which has now replaced the Ancestors awakening painting on the eastern wall in the Sanctuary.

The Grail Castle by Jade Melany ©2023

Personally 2022 was an incredible year for me. New horizons were illuminated and a flood of ancestral memories surfaced, specifically around my birthday, when I was working with the death\transformation pathworking from the Initiates Way. I experienced clear memories of past lives during which I had not finished my life journey as it had come to an abrupt and brutal end, and it became crystal clear to me what my next stage in this life journey would be. What I hadn’t reckoned on was it being a shared journey. Love crept through the spaces in my dreams and then into my life in ways I could never have imagined. Most of all there was hope. A lightness of being amid the chaos that is our world at this present time.

As we are moving into the new moon in Aquarius there is a restless energy that seems to be gathering force, and momentum. Change is bubbling under the surface and there are streams of knowledge, and currents which seem to be resurfacing that have been just out of reach for the longest time. We may be living in dark times but there are so many beautiful moments and opportunities to connect with each other, on so many levels.

Sending much love to you all

Jade <3

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