After much blood, sweat and tears the Initiate’s Way book has finally made it to print. It really has been a groundbreaking momentous journey for me while writing this book, and to see it in its final printed format was one of the most emotional moments of my life.
The 22 pathworkings included in the book preceded the imagery and are the result of many years of studying, meditating and inner seeking. The magickal images I painted after doing the inner workings, which can serve as a focal point as I guide you step by step through the process of the whole journey.
Creative Visualisation.
Using creative visualisation you can discover your own innate wisdom. You will learn simple breathing techniques, and how to bring the magical images to life within your imagination. You create your own healing sanctuary, awaken the god and the goddess, and bring forth your own inner teacher or guide. This book will teach you how to work internally with each of the twenty-two magical archetypes, so that you can perform spiritual alchemy on yourself and bring change into your life.
Every conscious step you take into the Initiate’s Way is signposted by these magical images and as you take time to study, meditate with, and explore each of them in turn you will become your true and authentic self.

This book contains full colour plates of the twenty-two magical images which correlate with the Tarot. They each tell the archetypical story of the spiritual journey into enlightenment.
You can, as a solitary practitioner, use this book to learn how to build up magical images and tread each step of this amazing journey for yourself. If you are working within a group, it can serve as a guidebook for creative visualisations during the year, to align with the seasons. If you work in a group or coven, one of the group members can lead the others through each stage of the journey. This path takes strength and courage as you become who you are truly meant to be.
I have worked with lots of people over the years using the material presented here, in small groups, and with the turn of events this year, it felt like it was time for the creation to take on a life of its own. The groundwork was there. The 22 parts of the journey road tested by myself, and others, and the feedback from those participating convinced me that this could be a useful tool for anyone who wanted to begin to use their creative imagination to make positive and lasting changes.
When I first started out writing this book it was for a number of reasons. It was a learning experience for me and as I was travelling the inner realms myself and journalling, it occurred to me that this was not just the product of my own imagination. That I had tapped into a source, a stream of wisdom that I could share with others in the hope that they too could share the path and access these inner resources. Along the way I met inner teachers, archetypes, gods and goddesses and entered a magickal world that became more real to me with every journey. It also felt like something I was ‘meant’ to do, That there had been preparation in past lives which I started to recall while participating in the pathworkings myself.
Spiritual Alchemy
My understanding of spiritual alchemy is that it is a practical journey that you can embark upon, and that the gold is the enlightenment experience of reaching that place within, where innate knowledge erupts like a fountain. To attain that it was necessary to create the spaces in which to do the work. So after using the pathworkings myself for a few years I led small groups through the experiences, so we could share and learn from each other.
Essentially you are setting out on a mythical journey but it all takes place in your imagination using creative visualiation. I studied hypnotherapy in 2016 which really helped me to craft these into tools with purpose. Doing this inner work myself helped me to create a foundation upon which I could set future goals upon, reflect and categorise experiences and learn from them rather than repeating the same mistakes.
If you are ready to find out who you really are then this book is for YOU.
Order a Signed copy with a hand cut deck of the Initiate’s Way Cards here:
If you would like a digital copy of the book the links are below.