Breath of the Earth!

Breath of the Earth!

labyrinth france

From the centre of the turf labyrinth at La Pinconniere, poetry whispered softly to me in the breeze. I wrote it into one of my magical journals and it re-emerged a few years later to be included in my book of songs.

The “Breath of the Earth” Lyrics began their interesting alchemical journey during last winter.

The Beyond room 313 pub nights were my literal sanity during the crazy times that we were going through last winter. On one of the shows Thomas asked me if I was going to be making any more Music. 

Having not thought about music or creating it in many years, my response was an open floor, to anyone wanting to collaborate on some new music …get in touch!

So you can imagine my joy when I received a message from John Presley with an offer of collaboration.

It was a bit of a slow start juggling things around dragon boys and other commitments, but the first mix of music and ideas John sent through gave me goosebumps from head to toe. We were definitely onto something!

On the 25th of December, 2020 during a ceremony at Castlerigg Stone Circle, I had encountered a strong presence, that has stayed with me ever since. I will write more on this in due course, but it has been such a positive influence and inspiration over the last couple of months, and has definitely accompanied the creation process. 

After a couple of interactions back and forth via Mewe, the song really started to take shape, and has grown steadily into a life of its own. I played it to a couple of close friends and family to see what their reaction was. One of those friends I played it to was Thomas Sheridan who kindly offered to make us a video, which premiered on the Beyond Room 313 channel on the Summer Solstice. You can watch the video at the end of this post!

So our next decision was the naming of the project. What’s in a name? Well, quite a lot actually. 

A band name carries a magical charge and it is also a symbol that represents the message and the music so that is as equally important as the music itself. Another close friend suggested that I read a book called Masks of Odin and when I opened it, it fell open on a page describing ‘Skaldemyod”. The term “Skald” translates as bard-poet and “myod” means inspiration.  The perfect combination for our project! We also use a symbol that appeared in a dream a few years ago that is very apt for this work.

John and I were talking about opening the floor again to see if anyone is interested in getting involved in the creation process.

If you would be interested in working with us please email ashcroftjade@gmail.com


If you would like to subscribe to join our YouTube channel, where we will be uploading new content, click this link below


The track Breath of the Earth is available to listen on all major music apps as well as on YouTube.


Signing off for now 

but there will be plenty more where this has come from!


“Skaldemyod” is a new project collaboration between John Presley and Jade Melany

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