The Art of Temperance
“The “Art of Temperance” heralds the beginning of a process which requires bravery on the part of the seeker for it means putting yourself into the cauldron of regeneration. This may take years or months once the process has begun, as each and every person going through the experience will have different life circumstances and progression. So what occurs slowly for one person over a lifetime may happen in a short space of time for someone else.
On early Tarot decks this image has an angelic figure pouring water between two vessels and is associated with the figure of Aquarius, the water bearer, with a foot on the land and a foot in the water. Endlessly transferring the living water between the two urns signifying the ebb and flow of life force in the individual concerned. On the Initiate’s way image the angelic figure is facilitating the rebirth of the individual in the cauldron, by breathing out the phoenix at the end of the process of alchemical transformation.
Consciously put yourself into this cauldron and choose what it is that you want to change. You can begin by asking the cauldron for a gift. If the gift that you wish for is success then you will have to be prepared to put in the work and the effort, as that will also be required for you to bring it to fruition. It’s no good asking for fame and fortune then sitting back and waiting for the process to happen all of its own accord!”
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