The Underworld Journey so far…

The Underworld Journey so far…

fire on the beach

Greetings and Salutations Beautiful People.

If I said this year had been a rollercoaster so far that would be an understatement. Since our ritual on the beach at the spring equinox the ride took a downwards turn into the literal underworld. As the madness ensued in the word around me I spiralled into a conversation with cthonic old gods, goddesses and ancestors which has taken me on an inner journey that I was not only unprepared for, but that even if I had seen it coming there would have been nothing I could do about it. Other than learn to go with the flow.

One thing is for sure though. It has strengthened my faith in the old ways and shown me that the most important thing in life is the friends and family that surround us. Without them, we are nothing. The connections we make with people during our lifetime are a testament to who we are as people. During this period of descent into the underworld it has become abundantly clear to me that we need to focus on community. Whether that is a small group of friends who meet regularly, just to chat, or organised events where people can come together of a likemind and share their stories and lives with those who will understand them. the demons may be running amuck, but that doesn’t mean we can’t out wit them and create places of fellowship to plot and scheme their demise.

Lately I have been feeling much like I did during the scamdemic that forever changed our world, when lies and propaganda pitted friend against friend. and enticed family members to rat each other out to government officials when having gatherings that were not sanctioned by the government… and in the meantime the government were partying it up while lonely pensioners were dying in hospital because of enforcement rules.

I have been spared the media circus of elections, football, olympics and worldly affairs, mainly catching what people are talking about on social media, as a way of keeping informed but not actually engaging in it. It has been a blessing in disguise really to have had a space to reflect as I focus on healing and considering direction for the future. Even though it has felt like a prison sentence at times, the time spent in hospital has given me perspective that I probably wouldn’t have come to at home in the safety of my sanctuary. So for that I am eternally grateful.

And Here we are at Lughnasadh!

lughnasadh  altar
lugh tuatha de danaan

Celebrating the harvest and looking to the new year and what skills we may need for this. Anyone who knows me, knows that I like to try my hand at different things. So it wont surprise you to know that there are developments on the artistic front. After attending some fabulous workshops at the Senhouse Roman Museum learning how to make castings of deities and pots, it seems like the perfect time to begin a new adventure.

Making head pots at the Senhouse Roman Museum in Maryport

So watch this space for more incoming creations.

In other news, although it is taking much longer than originally anticipated, I’m still on track for publishing the Sarah and the Flosh Dragon Illustrated poetry book later in the year. Currently working on the panel illustrations and will update when there is and end in sight!

So for now, I bid you farewell and if you want to keep updated on news and happenings, please subscribe to the new substack. which has replaced the defunct newsletter.


Many Blessings

Jade Melany

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