Full Moon Ceremony Castlerigg 21/8/2021

Full Moon Ceremony Castlerigg 21/8/2021

As is typical of our Cumbrian skies it was pouring with rain when we arrived. Twilight was creeping in as we walked up to the Sanctuary stones. There were a couple of stragglers at the circle, but they departed quite quickly once we had lit the lamp. Leaving us to the ancestors and to our ceremony.

The atmosphere was electrically charged and the presence of the ancestors and guardians of the sanctuary was strong. After I had walked around the outside of the circle with my smouldering rosemary bundle, the bats joined us performing their own sweeping circle around the outside of the stones.

I offered gifts of dog rose petals from the shore and wine for the Spirits and Guardians of the land. The moon was with us in presence, but hiding behind the dark bank of rain clouds that hovered over our heads the entire time we were there. But for the whole of our ceremony and the time we spent in quiet contemplation with the ancestors, the rain held off.

There was an eerie silence like I have never known up there. Because it is such a popular place for tourists and locals to visit, it’s very rare to have the whole circle for something like this, undisturbed.

The energy was absolutely incredible the whole time we were within the Circle.

I didn’t bring my drum with me this time. I had brought the Amethyst Crystal Skull “Freya” and placed her on the flat stone at the other end of the sanctuary from the Lamp. Instead of drumming I played a recording of the crystal bowl meditation, given to me by Jo Jones, who taught me Usui Reiki in 2003/4.

She passed a couple of years ago, so it was beautiful to have her presence there with us also.

It was almost as if the stones began to sing in unison in response to the frequencies of the music. What we had not realised was that while we had been immersed in the music and the stones, a mist had wrapped itself around us.

The sanctary itself resonated with the tones of the crystal bowls and amplified, being carried on the waves to the outer circle. We were in a bubble of pure healing energy, surrounded by an echo resonance of those who had gathered here in ceremony in the past.

Castlerigg 21/08/2021

As we walked away from the Circle at the end of our ceremony, we turned to look back at the circle and saw the unearthly glow around the stones.

As we stood watching the glow it receded slowly as the mist dispersed.

Pure Magic!

If you would like to attend future ceremonies please register your interest mailto:jade@esoteric-art.co.uk

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