The Hanged Man / Drowned Man

The Hanged Man / Drowned Man

“You are dealing here with a reversal of the ordinary and a completely different perspective from that which you are used to. The fact that the figure is hanging upside down and doesn’t look at all bothered about it, suggests that this has been a voluntary course of action and a self sacrifice for the greater good.

You could say that it is a willingness to immerse ones self in the true nature of things, in order to achieve and complete the great work that we are all capable of. This is the image of the Mystics and those who are unafraid to travel in the shadow lands, to further understand their place in the world and the nature of things.

In some decks the figure is poised with one leg crossed at the knee resting behind the other which forms the symbol for sulphur, suggesting the attainment of or reaching for the completion of something. The connecting of spirit within and without, the god- consciousness or however you decide to look at it in terms of your own understanding.

You are suspended at this point in the spiritual journey as you question everything, including your reasons for being, and the surrendering of yourself to that which is bigger than you, and for the greater good of all. Knowing your place in the world however obscure that may seem to others around you and trusting that once you have answered that higher calling and begin to step out on your own and with the acceptance of responsibility for yourself, even though the journey may not be as easy as you thought it might be.”

Excerpt from the Initiate’s Way.

If you would like to perform the path working for the Drowned Man, the video is below.

If you would like to order a copy of the Initiate’s Way you can get this directly from the Publisher.

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