“Pan – Hermes as the Lord or Guardian of the Earth can be seen in this image as the manifestation of ideas onto the physical plane via the creation of form.

Pan as Lord of Arcadia is the guardian of hidden sanctuaries, caves, grottoes and places of worship that are, have been, and continue to be sacred to those who visit them as part of their cultural heritage. Unfortunately, over the years much misfortune has come to these physical places, especially during times when belief structures changed. The Roman equivalent of this horned one is that of a cloven hoofed faun who is one of the incarnations of Hermes wielding his magical staff.
This archetype of Pan is connected with January and Saturn as the part of the year when in the gregorian calendar, the previous year is ending and another is beginning. The astrological sign associated with this image is that of Capricorn, or the mountain goat. The qualities you find when considering this image are that of stability, inner resources, down to earth with no nonsense attitudes and knowing yourself well enough to recognise what you are required to change in order to progress. Better the Devil you know.”
Excerpt from the Initiate’s Way by Jade Melany. ©JadeMelany2020
*You may not copy, store, reprint or reuse this information without the previous consent of the Author.
You can listen to the path working for Pan on the youtube link below.
If you would like to leave a comment on the channel about your experience I would love to hear how you get along with this.
Many Blessings Jade
If you would like to order your copy of the Initiate’s Way you can get this from the link below.